Archive for March, 2008

Hottop software update

17 Mar

A programming update was incorporated into Hottop KN-8828P and KN-8828B models that provides additional safety measures. The P Models imported after 3/5/08 incorporate this update – we have them in stock now. The B Models will be arriving shortly. However, while this update has an added layer of safety, software versions prior to this should not be considered unsafe. Below is a description of the changes; updated Owner’s Manuals can be downloaded at the Hottop website.

The changes below were added to page 14 for the KN-8828B
and page 19 for the KN-8828P of the Owner’s Manual:

There are three separate safety points programmed into the KN-8828B:
1) If the KN-8828B displays a temperature of 356 F (180 C) within the first 8:30 of roasting time, the unit will alert you with warning beeps. If you do not press a button (other than EJECT) within 20 seconds, the beans will be automatically ejected. Pressing a button continues the roast as programmed.
2) When the KN-8828B displays a temperature of 410 F (210 C), the roaster will again alert you with warning beeps. If you do not press a button (other than EJECT) within 20 seconds, the beans will be automatically ejected. Pressing a button continues the roast as programmed.
3) When the KN-8828B displays a temperature of 428 F (220 C), the beans will be immediately ejected. There is no override for this safety function.

There are three separate safety points programmed into the KN-8828P:
1) If the KN-8828P displays a temperature of 374 F (190 C), the unit will alert you with warning beeps. If you do not press the “Enter” button within 30 seconds, the beans will be automatically ejected. Pressing the “Enter” button continues the roast as programmed.
2) When the KN-8828P displays a temperature of 410 F (210 C), the roaster will again alert you with warning beeps. If you do not press the “Enter” button within 30 seconds, the beans will be automatically ejected. Pressing the “Enter” button continues the roast as programmed.
3) When the KN-8828P displays a temperature of 431 F (222 C), the beans will be immediately ejected. There is no override for this safety function.